Pillar 2: High-Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders

The graphic above shows the timeline for implementing Pillar 2 between fiscal years 2022-2032 based on the Blueprint law. Download a copy of the graphic here. More detailed and expanded Implementation Graphics are available in the table below.
Resource | Author | Description |
Interim report excerpt | Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education | Excerpt on high-quality and diverse teachers and leaders from 2019 Interim Report that served as the foundation for Pillar 2 in the Blueprint law |
Empowered Educators: How High Performing Systems Shaping Teaching Quality | Linda Darling-Hammond, President and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute | Slide deck presented by Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond during Implementation Planning Session 4 (June 30, 2022) |
Presentation to the AIB on National Board Certification | Peggy Brookins, President and CEO of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards | Slide deck presented by Peggy Brookins during Implementation Planning Session 4 (June 30, 2022) |
Pillar 2 Timeline with major tasks | AIB Staff | Timeline of activities to implement under Pillar 2 from FY22 through FY32 presented during Implementation Planning Session 4 (June 30, 2022) |
Expanded Pillar 2 Timeline including subtasks | AIB Staff | Expanded Timeline of major tasks and subtasks to implement under Pillar 2 from FY22 through FY32 presented during Implementation Planning Session 3 (July 14, 2022) |
Teacher Preparation Workgroup | Various Authors | In August, the AIB convened a Teacher Preparation Workgroup to review State requirements for programs, gain a clear baseline understanding of teacher preparation programs in Maryland, and to collaboratively brainstorm creative approaches to meeting the new Blueprint requirements. Materials from each session including the meeting recording, chat transcript, and presentations are linked to each meeting date below.
8/12/22- Kickoff 8/31/22- Session # 2
Summer Working Session 4 Slide Deck
Chat Transcript 8/4/2022 Meeting | AIB Staff | Powerpoint presentation from round 2 of the Comprehensive Implementation Plan Summer working Sessions. Contains key implementation considerations and takeaways from round 1. (August 4, 2022) |
Further Expanded Pillar 2 Timeline including subtasks | AIB Staff | Further Expanded Timeline of major tasks and subtasks to implement under Pillar 2 from FY22 through FY32 presented Summer working Session 7 (September 15, 2022) |
Summer Working Session 7 Slide Deck
Chat Transcript 9/15/2022 Meeting | AIB Staff | PowerPoint presentation from round 3 of the Comprehensive Implementation Plan Summer working Sessions. Contains key implementation considerations and takeaways from round 1 and 2. (September 15, 2022) |
Further Expanded Pillar 2 Timeline (Excel Version) |
| Further updated and downloadable Excel spreadsheet version of the timeline containing major tasks and subtasks to implement under Pillar 2. (October 26, 2022) |