

An important role of the AIB is to educate and provide training to partners and stakeholders.​ Meeting materials from presentations are available below and organized by date with the most recent at the top.

Date: 6/20/24 - Audience: US Senate HELP Committee  Presenter: Dr. Kirwan Topic:

  View the committee meeting here. His testimony is available here​

Date: 4/25/2024 - Audience: Maryland's Secondary Principals

 ​ Presenter: Dr. Kirwan and AIB staff ​​- ​Topic: Principals and Pillar 3

Date: 2/20/2024 - Audience: Worcester County Comm​issioners

 ​ Presenter: AIB ​​- ​TopicBlueprint for Maryland's Future: Policy, Funding, and Timelines

Date: 2/19/2024 - Audience: General Assenbly Budget Committee

 ​ Presenter: AIB ​​- ​TopicBlueprint Sucess Metrics

Date: 1/19/2024 - Audience: House Appropriations Committee and House Committee on Ways and Means​ - Presenter: AIB & MSDE- ​Topic: Blueprint for Maryland's Future Updates

​Date: 11/3/2023​ - Audience: 2023 MAESP/MASSP Conference​ - Presenter: Rachel Hise ​- ​Topic: 20223 Blueprint Essentials: Early Childhood Education

​Date: 11/2/2023​ - Audience: 2023 MAESP/MASSP Conference​ - Presenter: Rachel Hise ​- ​Topic: Blueprint Essentials​​​​

Date: 10/03/2023 - Audience: MABE Conference - Presenter: Emma Pellerin - ​Topic: Community Engagement on the Blueprint’s Implementation​

Date: 08/18/2023 - Audience: MACo Summer Conference - Presenter: Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint for Maryland's Future Overview, Budget Outlooks

Date: 04/20/2023 - Audience: Interagency Commission on School Construction - Presenter: Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint for Maryland's Future Overview and Update

Date: 04/19/2023 - Audience: SNAP-Ed Spring Conference - Presenter: Rachel Amstutz - ​Topic: Blueprint Overview and Impacts for SNAP-Ed​

Date: 02/01/2023 - Audience: Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee - Presenter: Chair Ike Leggett and Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint Overview, Update, and Legislative Recom​mendations

Date: 01/20/2023 - Audience: House Ways and Means and Appropriations Committees - Presenter: Chair Ike Leggett and Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint Overview and Update

Date: 12/14/​2022 - Audience: Lower Shore Economic and Development Forum sponsored by the Maryland Economic Development Association - Presenter: Kirkland Murray - ​Topic: Career Counseling an​d CTE Programs

Date: 12/12/​2022 - Audience: Southern Regional Education Board PresenterRachel Hise - ​TopicThe Blueprint for Maryland's Future: Overview and Updates

Date: 12/7/​2022 - Audience: Education Funders Affinity Group Maryland Philanthropic Network  PresenterRachel Hise - ​Topic: The Blueprint for Maryland's Future: Overview and Updates

Date: 11/18/​2022 - Audience: Maryland Assess​ment​ Group (MAG)  PresenterLaura Stapleton - ​Topic: The AIB and the Comprehensive Implementation Plan

Date: 10/06/​2022 - Audience: Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE)  PresenterRachel Hise - ​Topic: Accomplishing the Blueprint

Date: 09/08/​2022 - Audience: Maryland Association of Counties (MACo)  PresentersRachel Hise and Mara Doss - ​Topic: Community Schools and Career and Technical Education

Date: 08/20/​2022 - Audience: Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports - PresenterRachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint overview and AIB/Consortium partnership​

Date: 08/17/​2021 - Audience: Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports - PresenterRachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint overview and AIB/Consortium partnership

Date: 08/02/​2022 - Audience: PSAAM ​Aspiring Superintendents Academy - Presenters​: Dr. Brit Kirwan and Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint overview and the role of superintendents in implementing the Blueprint


Date: 12/15/​2021 - Audience: AIB - Presenter: Rachel Hise - ​Topic: Blueprint Overview