​​​​​​​​​​NEWS FLASH: ​Dr. Kirwan testified before the US Senate ​HELP Committee on June 20, 2024.  View the committee meeting here. His testimony is available here​


​​The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Accountability & Implementation Board (AIB) is an independent unit of State government that was created to ensure that the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is implemented as intended. ​The AIB holds State and local governments accountable for implementing the Blueprint with fidelity and evaluates whether the Blueprint’s outcomes are being achieved. 

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future marks an unprecedented investment in Maryland’s public education system that serves nearly 1 million preK-12 students. It lays the foundation from early childhood through postsecondary education and training that is necessary for every child —regardless of where they live in the State — to receive a world-class education that prepares them for success in college and career. 

The policies and funding increases codified in the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future are based on the recommendation​s of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, also known as the Kirwan Commission. The Kirwan Commission organized its recommendations around five policy areas, which are now known as Blueprint Pillars.​​

Blueprint for Maryland's Future Pillars



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