The Final vers​ion of the 2023 Updated Blueprint Comprehensive Plan ​has been published.​

Link to the PDF version of the updated BCP.

Request a print copy of the updated BCP here

Spanish version - here​

2023 Blueprint Implementation Plans are now available. All LEA plans have been approved. Spanish translations will be posted ​when available. Click the links below or navigate using the left hand menu to access the plans.​

The Final vers​ion of the 2022 Initial Blueprint Comprehensive Plan ​has been published.​

​​The Final vers​ion of the 2022 Initial Blueprint Comprehensive Plan

Click​ here to download the plan and related documents​


​​​Initial Blueprint Compre​hensive Plan

​Working Documents and Drafts:

Download: Final Revised Draft Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan (12/12/2022)

Download: Final LEA Implementation Plan Guidance Document and Criteria for Success (12/1/20​22)

Download: Final Draft LEA Impleme​ntation Template (Fillable) (12/1/2022)​

Download:Final Draft Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan (12/1​/2022)

Download: Draft Blueprint Comprehensive Implementation Plan (10/26/2022)

Download: Draft Excel Impl​ementation Graphics (10/26/2022)

Do​wnload: ​Draft LEA Implemen​tation Template (11/04/2022)

Download: Draft​ LEA Criteria for Success​ (11/04/2022)

Written Testimony and Feedback Submitted on the Draft Plan through ​11/23/2022​​